State Sen. Lana Theis, R-Brighton, on Wednesday alerted Livingston County residents to an upcoming Department of Natural Resources sealed-bid auction to lease state-owned nonmetallic mineral rights at a former sand and gravel pit in Genoa Township.
The DNR will issue one mineral lease with a goal of using the property in the future as a tree seed orchard to produce seedlings for distribution throughout the state. It was chosen for this purpose due to its proximity to the State Forest Tree Improvement Center.
The department will accept sealed bids from Dec. 13 through Jan. 3, 2022 for three specific parcels at the site. The parcels are:
47 acres of Section 33, T02N, R05E
SE1/4 of NE1/4, excluding a parcel of land containing 3.78 acres; also excluding westerly of the centerline of Chilson Road.
.75 acres of Section 33, T02N, R05E
The part of the SE1/4 of NE1/4 lying westerly of the centerline of Chilson Road.
17 acres of Section 33, T02N, R05E
NE1/4 of NE1/4 except the north 60 feet.
The DNR is also welcoming public comments regarding the auction. Those wishing to submit a comment should do so by Oct. 27 via email to or, or by mailing a letter to DNR, Minerals Management Section, P.O. Box 30452, Lansing, MI 48909.
All commenters should include their name, phone number, and email and mailing addresses with their submission.
For more information on state mineral rights, visit,4570,7-350-79136_79239—,00.html.